Feeling lonely? You’re not alone — and it could be affecting your physical health

In Canada, studies have found that one in five Canadians identify as being lonely. Part of the issue is that more and more Canadians are living alone — 28 per cent of households, according to recent numbers by Statistics Canada. Higher rates of divorce, stronger dependence on technology and sprawling urbanization have also been been credited […]

As more older Americans ‘age in place,’ millennials struggle to find homes

With more seniors than ever aging in place and choosing not to sell the family home, an estimated 1.6 million fewer properties are now available in a market already experiencing a critical shortage, according to Freddie Mac. That is about the same number of new single-family and multifamily housing units built each year. That stay-put […]

What really matters at the end of life?

At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it’s simply comfort, respect and love. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician who has dedicated his career to understanding how to provide a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. This moving Talk asks us to consider –and perhaps […]

10 Interior communities receive age-friendly grants

Ten communities in the Interior of BC committed to Age-Friendly Communities.  Grants received through UBCM’s Age-Friendly Communities Grant program.  We look forward to hearing more about the great initiatives taking place to create age-friendly, healthy communities! 10 Interior communities receive age-friendly grants